
Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake “SOYOKAZE” Takeout

Sake brewer WAKAZE’s tavern

Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake “SOYOKAZE” Takeout

Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake “SOYOKAZE” Takeout

Another Sangenjaya inforamtion.

The restaurant “Whim SAKE & TAPAS “in Setagaya, Tokyo operated by sake brewer WAKAZE will start takeout of their craft “Amazake” made at the brewery. Amazake is sweet sake made from fermented rice. 

Non-alcoholic craft amazake “SOYOKAZE” over-the-counter takeout

SOYOKAZE is a non-alcoholic craft amazake that uses the fermentation technology of sake brewer WAKAZE and seasonal ingredients to deliver freshly made products using an additive-free manufacturing method.

Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake "SOYOKAZE" Takeout

In normal Japanese sake brewing, they often choose “yellow jiuqu(koji)”, which produces sweetness, but in WAKAZE sake brewing, they use “white koji”. By choosing white koji for making amazake, it produces the natural sweetness and refreshing sourness derived from koji while making it sugar-free and additive-free, overturning the image of “sweet sake to drink only during the New Year”.

In order to deliver freshly made amazake, they have been accepting pre-orders only at the official online store and delivering only the pre-orders by making to order.

In response to the state of emergency, they will start takeout where you can purchase “SOYOKAZE” in bottles or cups at Whim SAKE & TAPAS store in order to more easily deliver the deliciousness of fermentation.

Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake "SOYOKAZE" Takeout


Over-the-counter hours: Mon-Fri: 10AM~3PM
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: 3PM~8PM

Price (tax included):

  • Takeout cup 200ml (hot / cold):
    Plain amazake ¥450
    Seasonal amazake ¥500~
  • Bottle 300ml:
    Plain amazake ¥650
    Seasonal amazake ¥700~

Official online store

  • Limited to 500ml bottles at the online store.
Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake "SOYOKAZE" Takeout

Sangenjaya brewery

The craft Sake brewery “Sangenchaya Brewery”, which is located next to WhimSAKE & TAPAS and separated by a glass, produces more than 30 kinds of creative recipes annually.

Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake "SOYOKAZE" Takeout

The Sakes they make are Craft SAKEs that break the conventional idea, such as “Botanical SAKE” and “Fruit Doburoku”, which are fermented with other plant materials such as fruits and tea during the fermentation process of sake.

The sake is brewed in four 200L brewing tanks, and each brew has a different taste.

Approximately 320 bottles of 500 ml doburoku can be produced from a single preparation. You can never taste the seasonal limited flavor again when sold out.

Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake "SOYOKAZE" Takeout
Sake brewing is located right next to Whim SAKE & TAPAS

At the WhimSAKE & TAPAS store, you can also buy a bottle of freshly made Craft SAKE from Sangenjaya Brewery.

Over-the-counter hours: Mon-Fri: 10AM~3PM
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: 3PM~8PM

Price (tax included)

  • Bottle sale 500ml
    Sangenjaya Doburoku (plain) ¥1,800
    Sangenjaya Doburoku (chocolate) ¥2,000

Official online store:

Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake "SOYOKAZE" Takeout
February new flabor “Chocolate Doburoku”

“Whim SAKE & TAPAS” new hours

Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake "SOYOKAZE" Takeout

“Whim SAKE & TAPAS” will change the current business hours following the extension of the state of emergency based on the Covid-19 Special Measures Law.

Whim SAKE & TAPAS Launches Amazake "SOYOKAZE" Takeout

New Hours: 6PM~11PM on Mon, Tue, Friday, 3PM~11PM on Saturday, 3PM~9PM on Sunday. Closed on Wednesday.

Address: 1-15-12 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

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