Travel Agencies Resume Package Tours This Golden Week
No quarantine, lowered travel alert level contribute to their decision
No quarantine, lowered travel alert level contribute to their decision
Travel Agencies Resume Package Tours This Golden Week
Travel Agencies Resume Package Tours This Golden Week.
Finally we can see some lights at the end of the tunnel after a long recess.

Major travel agencies in Japan recently announced to resume their outbound tour operations including Hawaii after 2-year break during the pandemic. This decision came after the Japanese government officially announced to lower travel alert level to the US from 3 to 2, which means “travel with caution”. Level 3 means “Do not travel”. Also since March 1, Japanese nationals who re-enter Japan do not need to do 14-day quarantine any more. These make them travel much easier now.

Major 3 agencies push golden week travel
So when do the agencies actually start their package tours? Package tour here means flight + hotel arranged by tour operators. Here is the details: JTB will start selling “April 28 departure, Look JTB MyStyle Honolulu Simple Plan” tour on April 15. HIS will resume 2 tours on May 1. Jalpak starts a Hawaii tour on April 24. They also start sales of a tour for JAL millage bank customers on April 27. Rakuten Travel resumes Hawaii, Guam, San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles tours on April 27. The tickets have been on sale on their website since yesterday, April 14. As we know, Hawaii is one of the first US destinations for Japanese travelers to fly out too. Yes, it’s their favorite place to go.

Stayed tuned for our trip advice and insights from Japan to the US
Actually one of us travelled from Narita, Japan to Honolulu, HI today. We will cover stories on this; what kind of documentations you need, where to take PCR/antigen test and how to get negative certificate, what about vaccine certificate, etc. We will go through all of them for those who live in Japan and try to fly out to the US.