As a part of Sora Tobu Pikachu Project
Pokemon sends you off at Narita Airport starting today
Pokemon sends you off at Narita Airport starting today
Are you traveling to Japan soon or are you in Japan now? Before you leave, make sure to stop by at Pokemon special areas at Narita Airport and take photos!
The international airport participates in the collaboration effort with The Pokémon Company for “Sora Tobu Pikachu Project”(flying Picchu project) starting today, April 29. And the 2 companies will jointly liven up various locations of Narita Airport terminals with Pokémon.

And you don’t have to travel. Feel free to come and see Pokemon at Narita Airport any time!
How long will the project last?
For now, here is the plan for each terminal:
Terminal 1 (4th-floor departure lobby): May 3, 2023, ~ April 2025
Terminal 2 (3rd-floor departure lobby): April 29, 2023, ~ April 2025
Terminal 3 (access passageway): April 29, 2023, ~ April 2025
Pokemon send-off wall ~Take Care!~

First of all, at Terminal 1, cute Pokémon sends you off. Look forward to seeing what kind of Pokemon you can meet!

Pikachu send-off wall ~always together~

Many Pikachu will see you off at Terminal 2. Look for the POKÉGENIC mark!

Pokemon and memories photo wall ~Enjoy photos of Japan’s four seasons~
Yes, you will be healed by the scenery of Japan’s four seasons and the energetic Pokémon. Find 6 unowns!

Walking with Pikachu wall ~walk and meet together~

And walk through the world of Pokemon on the 150m walkway. Don’t miss the photo opp!

URL: https://flying-pikachu.com/en/ https://www.narita-airport.jp/jp/fun/sorapika
Are you ready to travel?