Announcement from Tokyo
COVID-19 cases have been reported from a medical institution in Tokyo.
[To Tokyo residents]
- Keeping cough etiquette and hand washing that are used for colds and seasonal flu are important for preventive measures for COVID-19.
- If you have any of the following symptoms, please consult with the New Corona Consultation Service (Returnees / Contacts Consultation Center).
- You have symptoms of cold or fever of 37.5 °C or more for over 4 days (Including the body condition of which you need to keep taking antipyretic)
- You feel sluggish (fatique) severely or suffocated (dyspnea).
* For elderly people or those with pre-existing disease, if the above condition lasts for about 2 days:
- If you may have the new Coronavirus infection as a result of consultation at the New Corona Consultation Service, we will refer you to a special “New Corona Outpatient Dept. (Returnee / Contact Outpatient Dept.)” . Wear a mask and avoid using public transportation.
- At this moment, more people are found “non COVID-19”. If you feel you may have flu, please consult your primary doctor.

[What you need to know when you go to a medical institution]
- Go to a medical institution recommended by the New Corona Consultation Service (Returnee / Contact Phone Consultation Center). Do not see more than one medical institution.
- In addition to wearing a mask at a medical institution, be sure to wash your hands and keep cough etiquette (using a mask, tissue, handkerchief, or sleeve to hold your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing).
[Consultation desk]
Consultation Service for New Coronavirus Infections” (Tokyo)
・ “New Coronavirus Infection” (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
・ “New Coronavirus Infection Control” (Tokyo)
・ “Information on New Coronavirus Infections” (Tokyo Metropolitan Infectious Disease Information Center)