Kyoto Bread Festival Comes Back For The First In 3 Years!
Famous hotels and popular bakeries lines up
Kyoto Bread Festival Comes Back For The First In 3 Years!
Kyoto Bread Festival Comes Back For The First In 3 Years!

The “Kyoto Bread Festival in Kamigamo Shrine“, which was a great success with about 200,000 visitors so far, is coming back for the first time in three years! Many hotels and popular bakeries will line up with their signature items.

Kamigamo shrine is registered for World Culture Heritage
In 2015, the event started for the first time as part of the Kamigamo Shrine Shikinen Sengu celebration project. The shrine is registered as a “World Cultural Heritage”.
Over 20 famous hotels and popular bakeries will gather in the precincts of Kyoto Kamigamo Shrine. The special event goes on 2 days on October 29 and 30.

Event detail
Kyoto Bread Festival in Kamigamo Shrine
Date & Time: 10am ~ 3pm on October 29 & 30.
*Tickets in limited quantity for each day
*Will be held in light rain, cancel on stormy weather
Location: 339 Kamigamo Motoyama, Kita Ward, Kyoto, World cultural heritage Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine (Kamigamo Shrine)
Admission: Free. Pay for food at each booth
URL: https://pr.kyoto-np.jp/event/panfes/