
Japan Getting Ready To Accept Foreign Visitors In June

Will do test run through tour package this month

Japan Getting Ready To Accept Foreign Visitors In June

Japan Getting Ready To Accept Foreign Visitors In June – The Japanese government is preparing to start a group tour package experimental project by early June in order to resume accepting foreign tourists. For now the countries Japan will accept are the US, Australia, Thailand and Singapore where the pandemic is relatively contained. If things go smoothly as they planned, Japan will gradually expand acceptance.

Japan has been re-accepting business track since March 2022.

Japan Getting Ready To Accept Foreign Visitors In June
Photo by Belle Co on

Experiment first

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stated in a TV program on the 13th:

“A big concern is when and how much visitors will come in. I want to conduct an experiment in the near future and prepare for next month and beyond.”

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
Photo by Fariz Priandana on

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno also explained at a press conference on the 16th.

“I would like to conduct an experiment in the near future as a preparation for accepting visitors to Japan. Currently, the Japan Tourism Agency and other ministries and agencies concerned are conducting practical studies.”

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno

Tourism resumes early June

Government officials have stated that they are aiming at starting in “early June.”

According to the authorities, the experimental project aims to verify the effectiveness of infection control measures for group tours; manage the behavior of tourists properly and make sure that they can respond smoothly when someone get infected. They recruit fully-vaccinated (3 shots) participants in several countries including the United States and visit the areas who agreed on cooperation as a monitor tour.

And they will limit how many people will join per tour. For the time being, individual tourists are not allowed, but only group tourists.


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