
CAPCOM CAFE Collaborates With “Ace Attorney” Series!

Main characters in summer Kimono

CAPCOM CAFE Collaborates With “Ace Attorney” Series!

CAPCOM CAFE Collaborates With “Ace Attorney” Series!

A Japanese video game developer’s character cafe “Capcom Cafe” at Aeon Lake Town will have a collaboration with the “Ace Attorney” series from May 21 through July 8. Capcom recently announced the release of “The Great Ace Attorney 1 & 2-Naruhodo Ryunosuke’s Adventure and Resolve-“.

Menus and goods will be announced in due course.

Main visual of the “Ace Attorney” series collaboration

In this main visual, attractive characters such as Ryunosuke Naruhodo, Maya Feye, Miles Edgeworth, and Franziska von Karma, who will be the first to appear in the cafe illustration, are already in the yukata ahead of summer, unique to the Capcom Cafe.

They are working on collaboration menu and goods. Stay tuned for future update!

CAPCOM CAFE Collaborates With "Ace Attorney" Series!

You can reserve a table here: https://reserve.resebook.jp/resty/webrsv/reserve_vacants/vacant/s014341101/17014/1218?fixshop=1

“The Great Ace Attorney 1 & 2-Naruhodo Ryunosuke’s Adventure and Resolve-“

CAPCOM CAFE Collaborates With "Ace Attorney" Series!

Release date: July 29, 2021
Platform: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Steam
Price: Package version ¥4,990 (tax included ¥5,489) / Download version ¥4,536 (tax included ¥4,990)
Genre: En banc battle
Number of players: 1 person
CERO rating: B (12 years old and up)
URL: https://www.ace-attorney.com/great1-2/ja/


CAPCOM CAFE Aeon Lake Town “Ace Attorney” Series Collaboration Overview

CAPCOM CAFE Collaborates With "Ace Attorney" Series!

Capcom Cafe Aeon Lake Town
Address: Aeon Lake Town kaze 3F, 4-2-2 Lake Town, Koshigaya, Saitama
Phone: 048-967-5163
Dates: May 21~July 8, 2021
URL: http://www.capcom.co.jp/amusement/capcomcafe/

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