Border Control Changes Due To Covid-19 Modified Risk Information
Restrictions to be eased for 9 countries/regions
Border Control Changes Due To Covid-19 Modified Risk Information
Border Control Changes Due To Covid-19 Modified Risk Information
This is the latest Border control information in Japan provided by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- On October 30, the border control measures were modified in Japan.
- We will inform you of the main focus in this measure, so please be aware of this when returning to Japan and check the latest information.
- On October 30, 2020, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lowered the infectious disease risk information from level 3 to level 2 for the following 9 countries / regions, and newly raised the risk level to lever 3 from 2 for the following 2 countries.
・ Lowered Infectious disease risk (level 3 → level 2) (9 countries / regions)
(Asia) South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, China (including Hong Kong and Macau), Brunei, Vietnam
(Oceania) Australia, New Zealand
・ Raised infectious disease risk (level 2 → level 3) (2 countries)
(Asia) Myanmar
(Middle East) Jordan
- With regard to the 9 countries / regions whose entry refusal target areas have been lifted due to publication at the New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters due to the reduction of infectious disease risk to level 2, please note that the border measures for returning to and entering Japan will be changed on November 1 as follows:
(1) When returning or entering Japan from the relevant area, the necessary tests for new Covid-19 infections when entering Japan are basically unnecessary regardless of nationality (including Japanese nationals).
(2) In the case of new entry and re-entry of a foreigner, it is not necessary to submit a test certificate for the new coronavirus infection received within 72 hours before departure (excluding business tracks and short-term business trip scheme users of business persons residing in Japan) (Not applicable to Japanese nationals)
(3) The procedures for returning to and entering Japan will be changed due to the business tracks from South Korea and Singapore, where the business track is already in operation. (including Japanese nationals)
・ All business track users will be tested for new coronavirus infection within 72 hours before departure in the country of origin, obtain a test certificate certifying that they are “negative” from a medical institution, and enter Japan. Occasionally, it must be submitted to the quarantine officer along with the Business Track Pledge. However, if you are a resident of Japan and have stayed at your travel destination for less than 7 days, you may be required to undergo an examination (own expense) at a medical institution after returning to Japan instead of obtaining the relevant inspection certificate. (Staying at home is required until the doctor gives a “negative” result.)
・ Covid-19 test at airports when entering Japan is not required.
- For those who have traveled to South Korea or Singapore and returned to Japan by business track within 14 days of staying there before November 14, you will be required to be tested at the airport instead of submitting the relevant test result if you cannot obtain a pre-travel test result.
(4) Of the nine countries / regions subject to removal of entry denial, Australia, New Zealand, and Taiwan have now been reduced to level 2 infectious disease risk, resulting in visa restriction measures. Since it is a target country / region, it is subject to suspension of visa exemption measures (including diplomacy and public use). In addition, visa exemption measures based on the APEC Business Travel Card arrangement will be suspended. These measures will be implemented on November 1 for the time being. (Not applicable to Japanese nationals)
- For Myanmar and Jordan, which have been newly designated as immigration refusal areas based on the announcement of the new coronavirus infectious disease countermeasures headquarters due to the raising of the infectious disease risk level 3, border control measures for entry will be strengthened on November 1 as follows:
(1) All travelers including Japanese, are subject to Covid-19 test at the airport (including Japanese nationals)
(2) Foreign nationals entering from these two countries will be refused entry , but if they enter or re-enter due to special circumstances, the result of pre-travel test within 72 hours before departure is required at the time of entry. Please note that if you do not submit the test result at the time of entry after November 15, you will be subject to entry refusal. (Not applicable to Japanese nationals)
(3) For details on border measures, see the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website Q & A on drastic strengthening of border control measures (will be updated) https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/covid19_qa_kanrenkigyou_00001.html
• New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters decision homepage
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs website “Step-by-step measures to resume international traffic”
○ Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare New Coronavirus Infectious Diseases Consultation Service (Strengthening Quarantine)
From Japan: 0120-565-653
From overseas: + 81-3-3595-2176 (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean)
○ Immigration Bureau of Japan (refusal of entry, re-entry to Japan)
Telephone: (Representative) 03-3580-4111 (Extension 4446,4447)
○ Ministry of Foreign Affairs Consular Service Center
Address: 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Telephone: (Representative) 03-3580-3311 (Extension) 2902, 2903
(Contact information for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs related section)
○ Foreigners Division, Consular Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (suspension of visa validity)
Telephone: (Representative) 03-3580-3311 (Extension) 3168
○ Ministry of Foreign Affairs Economic Affairs Bureau Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Office (APEC Business Travel Card)
Telephone: (Representative) 03-3580-3311 (Extension) 5876
○ Overseas safety homepage
Https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/ (PC version / smartphone version)
Http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/m/mbtop.html (mobile version)