belle-ville pancake cafe Cools Down Summer with Melon

The Limited Time Summer Treat with High-Quality Fruit

belle-ville pancake Cafe Cools Down Summer with Melon

belle-ville pancake cafe Cools Down Summer with Melon

belle-ville pancake cafe Cools Down Summer with Melon

A popular fluffy pancake place in Japan “belle-ville pancake Cafe” is running a summer promotion with a melon pancake and smoothie for a limited time. They provide 1 million pancakes worldwide every year.

belle-ville pancake cafe Cools Down Summer with Melon

Plenty of Juicy Ripe Melon

belle-ville pancake cafe Cools Down Summer with Melon

They combine a fluffy pancake with fresh eggs, meringue, and plenty of ripe melon. It’s a made-to-order pancake so it’s very fresh! They use plenty of juicy ripe melon pulp and a special cream combining fresh and Yubari(Hokkaido) melon ice cream. The pancake is ¥1,650 including tax.

Melon Smoothie

belle-ville pancake cafe Cools Down Summer with Melon

Freshly squeezed Melon Smoothie is also available for ¥858.

They currently have 4 locations in Japan including Umeda Osaka, and Yokohama.

Cafe Information

belle-ville pancake cafe

belle-ville pancake cafe Cools Down Summer with Melon
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