
Bath Cafe “Hakuju no Yu” Holds Natto Day Special Event on July 10

Event at hot bath facility with the theme of “Koji/fermentation”

Do you know Natto? It’s a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. It’s a healthy food and often served for breakfast.

And why is Natto day on July 10? Na or Nana is 7 and Toh is 10 in Japanese. So on this day, Ofuro Cafe Hakuju no Yu in Kamikawa, Kodama-gun, Saitama is going to have some special events for their patrons.

Soybean picking competition

This game uses soybeans. Customers who won will receive a free invitation ticket to Hakuju no Yu and a manager’s handmade natto.

Event date: July 10, 2PM~
Fee: Free

Natto Parfait
Natto Parfait

Limited sale of “Natto Parfait”

The restaurant Tawaraya will sell “Natto Parfait Meshi” on July 10. It has natto, laid brown rice, and white rice in a fishbowl-shaped container to make it look like a parfait.

Date: Friday, July 10, 11AM~9:30PM
Price: ¥680 (excluding tax)

Natto is a typical fermented food and is perfect for summer, which is rich in high-quality protein.

Ofuro Cafe Hakuju no Yu
Address: 337-1 Wataruse, Kamikawa-cho, Kodama-gun, Saitama
Phone: 0274-52-3771
URL: https://ofurocafe-hakujyu.com/

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