
Akasaka Excel Hotel Tokyu Offers Hokkaido Ikura Bowl

Salmon flake makes Ikura even more flavorful

Akasaka Excel Hotel Tokyu‘s restaurant “Akasaka Square Dining” will offer “Hokkaido Ikura Bowl wth Shibetsu salmon flake ”Hanafubuki on July 7.

Hokkaido Ikura Bowl
Hokkaido Ikura Bowl

They generously spread Ikura, also called “sea jewels,” on rice.

Sprinkle the attached Shibetsu salmon flake “Hanafubuki”. It will deepens Ikura’s flavor even further.


Offer period: July 1, 2020
Offer time: 11:00~22:00 (21:30 L.O.)
Address: 2-14-3 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo “Akasaka Square Dining”
Akasaka Excel Hotel Tokyu 3rd floor
Price: ¥4,133 (10% service charge and 10% consumption tax, ¥5,000)


*Menus and production areas of ingredients may change depending on the availability of ingredients.
*Ask a service if you have food allergies.

Efforts to ensure customer’s safety

  • Seats are spaced out.
  • Employees wear masks and face shields.
  • A splash prevention sheet is installed.
  • Customers disinfect their hands when enter the restaurant
  • Staff wipe the areas that customers directly touch with with rubbing alcohol several times a day.
  • They thoroughly manage the physical condition of employees every day.
  • They thoroughly make employees wash hands and gargle.

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