Cosplayers Go Virtual!
Zoom connects Japanese subculture fans worldwide
Cosplayers Go Virtual!

Cosplayers Go Virtual!
KAWAII JAPAN Co., Ltd. (Koto-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yuki Sasaya) who creates a platform to disseminate all kinds of “Kawaii” that Japan is proud of, from various angles to the world, such as information distribution, media, support / cultivation of subculture, product sales, etc. has launched new online services for cosplayers.
Due to the expansion of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, the emergency situation was declared, and the refraining from going out continues, the field of activity such as events and face-to-face customer service disappeared. To keep the development and survival of the culture, to create a place for cosplay, to form & strengthen the fan community, and to create a sense of unity, Kawaii Japan is providing a place for activities by recruiting performers on “Discover the fun of cosplay! Support App COSPO“.
They will rapidly expand and strengthen contents that cosplayers can enjoyed at home, while avoiding the 3 densities, and online services for them.
Online Off Meeting
It’s an online exchange event utilizing apps like “Zoom” and “discord” for cosplayers and fans.
Users can create a group of one-on-one or one-to-multiple members with your own cosplayers while you are at home, talking or drinking together within the reservation frame.

All orders and reservations go through an online payment system.

Download the app on your PC, smartphone or tablet before the reservation time and enjoy for 45 minutes online.
COSPO ONLINE Off Meeting Overview:
Since KAWAII JAPAN has participated in overseas events in the past, users abroad will also participate in this service.
COSPO online “CHEKI” shop

A service that allows cosplayers to sell check photos online.
Cosplayers who do not have a “CHEKI” (Fuji instant camera INSTAX series) can submit a photo and KAWAII JAPAN Co., Ltd. will print it out and deliver it to the customer.

Live commerce service
Using the live commerce service “HandsUP” provided by 17 Media Japan Co., Ltd., which operates the live distribution application “17 Live”, cosplayers sell cheki photos and original goods while they are online. The service has started on May 6, 2020.

Delivery archive: https://handsup.shop/cospo/live

Discover the fun of cosplay! Support app! “COSPO”: https://cospo.net
twitter: @kawaii_jp_cospo
Instagram: @ kawaiijapan.cospo
facebook: @ kawaiijapan.jp.cospo
COSPO TV: http://www.youtube.com/c/KAWAIIJAPANCOSPOTV