3rd State of Emergency will be issued for 4 prefectures on April 25
Coping with upcoming Golden Week
3rd State of Emergency will be issued for 4 prefectures on April 25
3rd State of Emergency will be issued for 4 prefectures on April 25
The Japanese government will soon open the New Corona Virus Countermeasures Taskforce and will declare a state of emergency for the four prefectures of Tokyo, Osaka, Hyogo, and Kyoto on April 25. It will go effective through May 11.

The declaration is coming right before the upcoming Golden Week when Japanese people usually travel domestic and overseas every year.
Ehime under “Priority Measures for Preventing Spread”
The government will open a countermeasures headquarters at 6:30 pm, issue declarations to four prefectures, and decide to apply “Covid-19 priority measures for preventing spread” to Ehime prefecture.
They will also make a decision to extend the deadline through May 11 from May 5 for Miyagi and Okinawa prefectures to which the “priority measures” have already been applied.
Then, the Prime Minister Suga will hold a press conference to seek to understand and explain why they need to issue the 3rd state of emergency following the one in January.
3rd state of emergency to reduce Golden Week people’s flow
The government wants to reduce the flow of people and control infections by focusing on stronger measures during the Golden Week holidays, when many people take time off from work or school.
Reference source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20210423/k10012993801000.html